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PlusHeat Annual »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË

It’s important to service your boiler every year. This will help identify any issues and safety concerns, plus ensure that your boiler is running as efficiently as possible. If you have a new boiler an annual service will be required to maintain your warranty.

It can be a real hassle remembering when your boiler needs servicing, or who serviced it last year. PlusHeat’s annual boiler service plan takes that hassle away. Simply call us around the time of your annual service and we’ll schedule a date/time that suits you. Simple monthly payments make it easy on your budget too.

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Boiler service

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Benefits of Annual Service for Safety and Efficiency

Just like your car needs a regular check-up at the garage, your gas boiler needs a regular service. If you want to be sure that, in the colder months, when you need your heating to be working at its best, everything is working as it should, an annual boiler service is essential.

A gas boiler servicing helps to ensure that your boiler is running efficiently, which will keep your energy bills as low as possible. An annual boiler service will also help to keep you safe. Your Gas Safe registered engineer will check that there aren’t any leaks that would allow carbon monoxide to escape. Carbon monoxide is a colourless and odourless gas that can cause sickness and in extreme cases can prove fatal.

PlusHeat Annual »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Image
Benefits of Annual Service for Safety and Efficiency

Your Boiler Needs Regular Service

Our engineers will clean your boiler to ensure that it is running as efficiently as possible and check your boiler for any problems. It could help prevent a gas boiler breakdown at the worst time.

Subscribing to our yearly gas boiler service plan takes the hassle out of your annual service. You won’t need to remember when your boiler was serviced last year, or who to call. We’ll simply call you a few weeks before your service is due to scheduling the service at a time that is convenient for you.

Your questions, answered.

What is boiler service and why is it important?

Boiler service is a regular check-up on your boiler by a qualified engineer to ensure it is working safely and efficiently. It is important to have your boiler serviced annually to prevent any potential safety hazards, such as gas leaks, and to prolong the lifespan of your boiler. The three most important pieces of information regarding boiler service are: Boiler service should be conducted by a qualified engineer to ensure safety and efficiency. An annual boiler service can help prevent safety hazards, such as gas leaks. Regular boiler service can help prolong the lifespan of your boiler.

What happens during a boiler service?

During a boiler service, a qualified engineer will perform a range of checks and tests on your boiler to ensure that it is working safely and efficiently. They will inspect the components of your boiler, clean it if necessary, and check for any potential safety hazards. The three most important pieces of information regarding what happens during a boiler service are: A qualified engineer will perform checks and tests on your boiler to ensure safety and efficiency. The engineer will inspect the components of your boiler and clean it if necessary. They will check for any potential safety hazards.

How much does boiler service cost?

The cost of a boiler service can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of boiler you have, the location of your property, and the level of service required. On average, a boiler service can cost between £60 and £100. The three most important pieces of information regarding the cost of boiler service are: The cost of boiler service can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the type of boiler you have, the location of your property, and the level of service required. Our boiler service costs £83.76 and can be paid for via a monthly subscription of £6.98. It is important to shop around for a reputable and qualified engineer who offers a competitive price.

How often should I service my boiler?

It is recommended that you have your boiler serviced annually to ensure it is working safely and efficiently. However, the frequency of boiler service can depend on a number of factors, such as the age of your boiler, the manufacturer's recommendations, and the usage. The three most important pieces of information regarding how often to service your boiler are: It is recommended that you have your boiler serviced annually. The frequency of boiler service can depend on a number of factors, such as the age of your boiler, the manufacturer's recommendations, and the usage. Regular boiler service can help prolong the lifespan of your boiler.

How do I choose a boiler service engineer?

Choosing a reputable and qualified boiler service engineer is crucial to ensure your boiler is serviced safely and efficiently. You can check for qualifications and accreditations, read reviews from previous customers, and obtain quotes from multiple engineers before making a decision. The three most important pieces of information regarding choosing a boiler service engineer are: Choosing a reputable and qualified boiler service engineer is crucial to ensure safety and efficiency. You can check for qualifications and accreditations, read reviews from previous customers, and obtain quotes from multiple engineers. It is important to choose an engineer who is experienced in servicing your type of boiler.

How much does an annual boiler service cost?

A PlusHeat annual boiler service costs £83.76 and can be paid for via a monthly subscription of £6.98. Each service will typically take between 45 minutes and one hour.

Do I need to get my boiler serviced annually?

Yes. An annual service will keep your boiler in good working condition and limit wear and tear. If your boiler is new and still under warranty an annual service will probably also be a condition of maintaining the warranty.

What is an annual boiler service?

An annual boiler service is a set of checks that a Gas Safe registered engineer should carry out every year to ensure that your boiler is running smoothly and efficiently. The engineer will follow a thorough boiler service checklist to ensure the safety and efficiency of the boiler.

Is it worth getting your boiler serviced?

The simple answer is yes. A boiler service delivers two important benefits, safety and efficiency. A gas boiler service will identify any safety concerns and also improve the efficiency of your boiler, which will save you money in the long-term.

What happens if I don’t service my boiler?

A gas boiler service will help an engineer identify any potential issues before they get worse. Not having your boiler serviced means that these issues are not addressed early and may lead to a breakdown at the worst possible time. Even if your boiler does not breakdown, it will become less efficient, consuming more gas and costing you money on your energy bill.

What happens if you miss a boiler service?

If you have missed your annual boiler service your warranty may have lapsed, but all is not lost. Manufacturers will often allow you to catch-up if the service gap has not been too long. Often it is possible for a Gas Safe engineer to back-date a service, provided that certain conditions are met.

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